In the early 19th century, the role of man,
specifically the European man, was being redefined in a number of ways. Science
would offer power and possibility and this main theme is developed by Mary Shelley
in Frankenstein and it is reflected in Walton`s character and his
Robert Walton is an ambituous explorer who meets Victor Frankenstein in the Arctic. Victor tells his story to Walton and he decided to write the narrative in a series of letters to his sister, Margaret Saville, who is in England. He implies in his letters that he wants to know and learn more about the world, he needs to prove that he can do something of worth to share with others.
Walton was driven by the desire for discovery; the outside world calls him
in search of recognition, fame and knowledge. We know Walton in a journey to the North Pole in order
to find a passage from the Pacific to the Atlantic. Walton seeks greatness, he
wants to be remembered, he has a dream, we all have…
brother wishes to make a geographical and scientific discovery, he wants
respect and praise in a decade that changes the world. Scientific developments
were increasingly being made and were redefining during 1800s due to industrial
developments, for instance, the typewriter, an early refrigerator, Morse Code,
Cameras and bicycles, telephone, electricity, stethoscope, the first blood
transfusion was made in 1818, the x-rays, etc. All the discoveries mentioned
were made during the 80s.
Throughout the
letters we can affirm the importance of being connected with someone because
Walton expresses that he feels lonely, with no friends: “I desire the company of a man who could sympathize with me, whose eyes
would reply to mine”. This is a characteristic of the human being; we need
to live in contact with others. By reading this letters, you are able to
understand Walton´s ideas and objectives in life surrounded by a scientific era
that pushes him into ambition and selfishness.
The letters introduce him as a reflection of individualism, emotionalism and imagination.
Mary Shelly
shows that Walton writes his letters from cold desolate and isolated land, this
is the feeling of loneliness. The letters, at the start of the novel, help
engage the reader`s interest and this kind of writing is used as a narrative
framework to the story and let us understand where the story is set and prepare
us for what is come.
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