We are in the 1800s when literary classics, such as "The tell- tale heart", "the raven" and the fall of the house os Usher" were written. He is acjnowledged as the inventor of the detective storyand an innovator of the science fiction genre. He was also a critic and wrote articles, as he called them, in a magazine. He didnt´s refer to his short stories as stories, he talked about articles.
However, apart from his famous writings, he had a difficult life, He was born in 1809 but whitin three years both of his parents had died and he was taken to be raised by John Allan and his siblings went to live with other families. He was poor and alone but he started publishing his short stories and he gained an editorial position at the Southern Literary Messenger in Richmond, he became a magazine writer.
His stories took place in cementeries and castles and everthing was about supernatural horror. His productions are dependent on his own powers of imagination and elaborate technique. All of his characters had a strange duality, the coexistence of two persons in him, idealist and visionary, impulses and fears, these topics were part of Poe´s stories that delighted us.
He dies on October 7, 1849 at the age of forty. The exact cause of Poe´s death remains a mystery.
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