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Charlie and the chocolate factory, a twisted morality tale

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Have you ever wondered about this story and the values that appeared in it? 
  It is a story about the dangers of greed. All the naughty children in the story are greedy in some way: Augustus is a glutton, Violet is greedy for gum, Veruca is a spolied child and Mike is greedy for television. 

   The idea of karma exists in the story. Charlie is a good boy and great things happen to him and the rest of the children receive a punishment for the attitudes and Charlie gets a reward. Perseverance is the key and it is reflected in Charlie´s family. 

 What about parenting? Are they responsible for the bad behaviour? In a certain way, the story wants to show that the parent´s role is important and it is related to children´s habits.

  Another topic that the story develops is related to poverty and wealth. We sympathize with Charlie because he is humble and a good person and maybe money leads the other children to be the way they are.
  The moral is to be kind to one another showing empathy and compassion, life is about being grateful and good things will happen to you if you are.


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